Fissure , Fistula In Ano,
Pilonidal Sinus Surgery
What is pilonidal sinus disease (PNS) and how does it affect you?
The pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small tube or hole in the skin. It may become blocked with fluid or pus, resulting in the formation of a cyst or abscess. In pilonidal cysts, hair, dirt, and debris are frequent. If it becomes infected, it may bleed pus and blood and emit a foul odor.
PNS is a disorder that primarily affects men but is also prevalent among young people. It’s also more common in persons who spend a lot of time sitting, such as cab drivers.
What causes a pilonidal sinus infection?
The actual etiology of this condition is unknown, however, it is thought to be a combination of altering hormones (due to the fact that it occurs after puberty), hair growth
Sitting and other friction-producing activities may cause the hair in the afflicted area to burrow back into the skin. The body recognizes this hair as foreign and responds with an immune response similar to that of a splinter. Some persons have several sinuses that connect beneath the skin.

Recognizing indications of infection and identifying a pilonidal sinus
Other than a little, dimple-like depression on the surface of your skin, you may not have any obvious symptoms at first. However, if the depression becomes infected, it will swiftly turn into a cyst or an abscess (a closed sac filled with fluid) (a swollen and inflamed tissue where pus collects).
Pain when sitting or standing, discolored cyst, irritated skin around the area, pus or blood leaking from the abscess, generating a foul stench, air protruding from the lesion creation of more than one sinus tract, or holes in the skin are all indicators of infection. A low-grade fever is also possible. It can be treated with removal of pus, opening up of tracts with conventional methods or with LASER energy. If there is no active infection a flap/plastic surgery can be done.